La risposta globale per l’invecchiamento, per il circolo, il microcircolo e le vene dilatate


Alpha-lipoic acid improves vascular endothelial function in patients with type 2 diabetes: a placebo-controlled randomized trial. Alpha Lipoic Acid Reduces Symptoms and Inflammation Biomarkers in Patients with Chronic Hemorrhoidal Illness. Alpha Lipoic Acid: A Therapeutic Strategy that Tend to Limit the Action of Free Radicals in Transplantation. α-Lipoic Acid Reduces Iron-induced Toxicity and Oxidative Stress in a Model of Iron Overload. Alpha-lipoic acid in liver metabolism and disease. Alpha-Lipoic Acid Protects Human Aortic Endothelial Cells Against H2O2-Induced Injury and Inhibits Atherosclerosis in Ovariectomized Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor Knock-Out Mice. Lymphatic edema of the lower limbs after orthopedic surgery: results of a randomized, open-label clinical trial with a new extended-release preparation. Antithrombotic activity of Vitis labrusca extract on rat platelet aggregation. The effect of in vitro gastrointestinal digestion on the anti-inflammatory activity of Vitis vinifera L. leaves. Chemical Characterization, Free Radical Scavenging, and Cellular Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Properties of a Stilbenoid-Rich Root Extract of Vitis vinifera. Red grape (Vitis vinifera L.) flavonoids down-regulate collagen type III expression after UV-A in primary human dermal blood endothelial cells. Bisphenol A vascular toxicity: Protective effect of Vitis vinifera (grape) seed extract and resveratrol. Resveratrol, a component of wine and grapes, in the prevention of kidney disease. Long-term dietary resveratrol supplementation decreased serum lipids levels, improved intramuscular fat content, and changed the expression of several lipid metabolism-related miRNAs and genes in growing-finishing pigs1. Synthesis and biological evaluation of deferiprone-resveratrol hybrids as antioxidants, Aβ1-42 aggregation inhibitors and metal-chelating agents for Alzheimer's disease. Anti-atherogenic effects of a phenol-rich fraction from Brazilian red wine (Vitis labrusca L.) in hypercholesterolemic low-density lipoprotein receptor knockout mice. Escin suppresses HMGB1-induced overexpression of aquaporin-1 and increased permeability in endothelial cells. Esculin exhibited anti-inflammatory activities in vivo and regulated TNF-α and IL-6 production in LPS-stimulated mouse peritoneal macrophages in vitro through MAPK pathway. A horse chestnut extract, which induces contraction forces in fibroblasts, is a potent anti-aging ingredient. Treatment of patients with venous insufficiency with fresh plant horse chestnut seed extract: a review of 5 clinical studies. Protective effect of aescin from the seeds of Aesculus hippocastanum on liver injury induced by endotoxin in mice. A novel bioactivity of andrographolide from Andrographis paniculata on cerebral ischemia/reperfusion-induced brain injury through induction of cerebral endothelial cell apoptosis. A novel role of andrographolide, an NF-kappa B inhibitor, on inhibition of platelet activation: the pivotal mechanisms of endothelial nitric oxide synthase/cyclic GMP. Is there a future for andrographolide to be an anti-inflammatory drug? Deciphering its major echanisms of action. Synthesis of novel andrographolide beckmann rearrangement derivatives and evaluation of their HK2-related anti-inflammatory activities.Wang Pretreatment with andrographolide pills(®) attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced pulmonary microcirculatory disturbance and acute lung injury in rats. Hypolipidemic effects of andrographolide and neoandrographolide in mice and rats. Andrographolide derivative as STAT3 inhibitor that protects acute liver damage in mice. Andrographolide Ameliorates Atherosclerosis by Suppressing Pro-Inflammation and ROS Generation-Mediated Foam Cell Formation. Ginkgo biloba extract improves coronary artery circulation in patients with coronary artery disease: contribution of plasma nitric oxide and endothelin-1. Ginkgo biloba extract enhances antiplatelet and antithrombotic effects of cilostazol without prolongation of bleeding time. Fibrinolytic effects of Ginkgo biloba extract. Ginkgo biloba extract prevents acute myocardial infarction and suppresses the inflammation‑ and apoptosis‑regulating p38 mitogen‑activated protein. Gender- and age-related variations in blood viscosity in normal volunteers: a study of the effects of extract of Allium sativum and Ginkgo biloba. Neuroprotective effects of ginkgetin against neuroinjury in Parkinson's disease model induced by MPTP via chelating iron. Ginkgo biloba for cognitive impairment and dementia.Birks Treatment of edema and increased capillary filtration in venous hypertension with total triterpenic fraction of Centella asiatica: a clinical, prospective, placebo-controlled, randomized, dose-ranging trial Investigation of Thrombolytic and Antioxidant Potentials of Centella Asiatica. Asiatic acid isolated from Centella asiatica inhibits TGF-β1-induced collagen expression in human keloid fibroblasts via PPAR-γ activation. Total triterpenic fraction of Centella asiatica in chronic venous insufficiency and in high-perfusion microangiopathy. Asiatic acid stabilizes cytoskeletal proteins and prevents TNF-α-induced disorganization of cell-cell junctions in human aortic endothelial cells. Time-released garlic powder tablets lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure in men with mild and moderate arterial hypertension. Aged garlic extract suppresses platelet aggregation by changing the functional property of platelets. Study of garlic effect on fibrinolytic activity of the blood clot in vitro Garlic inhibits free radical generation and augments antioxidant enzyme activity in vascular endothelial cells Effects of allicin on changes of hemorheology in focal cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury. Effects of garlic on brachial endothelial function and capacity of plasma to mediate cholesterol efflux in patients with coronary artery disease. Benefic Interactive Effects between Garlic Consumption and Serum Iron Excess. Efficacy and safety of fermented garlic extract on hepatic function in adults with elevated serum gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase levels: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Hyperhomocysteinemia as a Risk Factor and Potential Nutraceutical Target for Certain Pathologies. Accumulation of Liver Lipids Induced by Vitamin B6 Deficiency Was Effectively Ameliorated by Choline and, to a Lesser Extent, Betaine. Folic Acid Has a Protective Effect on Retinal Vascular Endothelial Cells against High Glucose. Different doses of folic acid and vitamin B12 to treat rabbits with deep venous thrombosis and hyperhomocysteinemia.

È ritornato disponibile ai nostri pazienti Angiovein, un composto brevettato, naturale antinvecchiamento ad azione immediata sul circolo, sul microcircolo e sulle vene. Angiovein per le sue numerose azioni sinergiche non è sostituibile da altri integratori.


⦁ Equilibrio dei fattori di vasodilatazione e vasocostrizione circolatori
⦁ Controllo della permeabilità dei vasi
⦁ Modulazione dell’aggregazione piastrinica
⦁ Mantenimento di adeguati livelli dei meccanismi fibrinolitici
⦁ Controllo dei passaggi delle cascate biochimiche dell’infiammazione
⦁ Azione antiradicali liberi
⦁ Controllo dell’integrità della sostanza fondamentale, delle fibre collagene ed elastiche
⦁ Integrità dell’endotelio e della tonaca media dei vasi
⦁ Controllo dei livelli e dello stato ossidativo delle lipoproteine circolanti
⦁ Mantenimento di una adeguata deformabilità dei globuli rossi per l’ossigenazione dei tessuti
⦁ Chelazione del ferro e dei metalli pesanti
⦁ Anti iperomocisteinemia
⦁ Azione epatoprotettiva
⦁ Azione antiarteriosclerotica

 Per raggiungere questi obbiettivi la formulazione contiene elevate concentrazioni di principi attivi


⦁ Invecchiamento precoce
⦁ Alterazioni del microcircolo
⦁ Protezione e restituzione del circolo arterioso
⦁ Malattie cardiovascolari in genere
⦁ Malattie cronico-degenerative
⦁ Ulcere arteriosclerotiche e ipertensive
⦁ Terapia ormonale sostitutiva in menopausa
⦁ Coadiuvante il trattamento dell’ipertensione arteriosa
⦁ Pazienti in sovrappeso e/o che conducono una vita stressante
⦁ Miglioramento delle facoltà cognitive dell’anziano
⦁ Allergia all’acido acetilsalicilico (Aspirina)


⦁ Familiarità per la malattia varicosa
⦁ Sintomatologia soggettiva di gambe pesanti
⦁ Varici
⦁ Capillari ectasici del volto e degli arti
⦁ Insufficienza venosa
⦁ Ulcere venose
⦁ Sindrome postflebitica
⦁ Linfedema
⦁ Panniculopatia edemato-fibrosclerotica (cellulite)
⦁ Emorroidi
⦁ Crampi notturni
⦁ Assunzione di estroprogestinici
⦁ Coadiuvante la scleroterapia e la Fleboterapia (TRAP)
⦁ Lunghi viaggi in condizioni di scarsa mobilità
⦁ Disturbi visivi che derivano da processi degenerativi del microcircolo.


Come antinvecchiamento, coadiuvante i trattamenti anti arteriosclerotici e come” Aspirina vegetale” Angiovein non contenendo estratti vegetali che determinano accumulo, può essere assunto in maniera continuativa.


Per il mantenimento dell’integrità del circolo e del microcircolo.
Per la prevenzione dei sintomi della malattia varicosa anche in sostituzione della contenzione elastica di 2° CLASSE.
Durante i trattamenti sclero terapici e fleboterapici.


Durante i viaggi, nella sindrome premestruale, nei periodi di prolungate stazioni erette obbligate, per diminuire la sintomatologia soggettiva di “gambe pesanti” Per sostituire le calze elastiche durante i mesi più caldi. Angiovein si è manifestato utile anche nel trattamento della crisi emorroidale (due capsule al mattino e due alla sera per tre giorni e una capsula al giorno come mantenimento.
(Il composto può essere utilizzato con questo schema posologico poiché ha un’azione immediata).