Adipolysis, a new aesthetic timedsurgical method, eliminates the malar pouches, the excesses of the cheeks, and it reduces also nasolabial folds and double chin, without scars or visible signs. The Adipolysis is also used in the body. Adipolysis is a percutaneous esthetic technique; unlike surgery, it does not require skin incision or a sterile field and does not give rise to fibrosis or scarring. The volumetric reduction is exclusively due to fat cells reduction. The programme data of the TIMED apparatus are: Direct Pulsed 0.3/5.3 at 20 W, 27 W or 38W, in the Coagulation function. The electromaniples are: EM10 Grey (insulated) and EM10 Green (insulated). The perfectly stable, calibrated current is “inject” to the subcutaneous tissues, immediately beneath the dermis or in a deeper position, by means of a partially insulated electromaniple. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated after about three months in order to perfect the result. Adipolysis is a rapid, simple and inexpensive way to correct all small volume excesses in the face, neck and body, many of which could not be satisfactorily corrected by means of the traditional techniques. Adipolysis is well tolerated and the results are appreciated by patients. (Preview on CRPUB.ORG)